earMusic, in collaboration with SFJ, release trailer for new DVD.
Holy hard rock! The Sunflower Jam has just received the first trailer for the re-release of the SUPERJAM 2012 DVD named, Ian Paice’s Sunflower Superjam 2012. Not only is this exciting enough to make us rematch the whole show again (really, I’ve just done that), it’s also an EXCLUSIVE as the trailer was only released at 3pm GMT. It’s not 3.05pm GMT meaning that we are getting the new out to Jammers as quickly as we possibly can!
Please feel free to watch, share, and shout about it. We are so proud of our DVD output over the last few years and we know that this is going to be another hit meaning that we can really make some serious impact on the fight against cancer and other diseases.
Have a great weekend jammers.