The Sunflower Jam headquarters are almost recovered from Celebrating Jon Lord!
Almost…but not quite! After eighteen months, 15,000+ emails, hundreds of hours on the phone and what felt like a million meetings, we were finally able to celebrate Jon Lord in the only way we know how – rock n’roll.
The evening was an enormous success and we are currently in the process of finalising the amount of money raised but in the meantime we would like to take this opportunity to thank you – Jammers – for making it the night that it was. We simply couldn’t do what we do if you didn’t go out and spend your hard-earned cash on tickets for our events.
Since Friday we have been inundated with email from Jammers, artists, guests, friends, family and press all blown away for the event. We are so pleased that you enjoyed it…
Until the next time.
Photo courtesy of Neil Lupin